Articles written by Sana Sarwar

March 28, 2016 - Written by:

5 REAL Worries of a 20 year-old that Shouldn’t Even be a Problem

20 something problems

A lot of people assume being 20 means you have nothing to worry about and life is like a carefree fun ride. Little do people know the little stupid things we can get stressed about that, in truth, don’t really deserve time to be pondered on. Along with stressing about getting a job and trying to be a success, we tend to burden ourselves... Read the rest of this post...


Articles written by Sana Sarwar

February 26, 2016 - Written by:

Dear 12 Year Old Self…..


I know you think you’re too cool to listen to my advice and you think you know everything about life. However, the truth is you don’t actually know that much, and there is so much you have yet to discover about yourself and the world. I’m now considered an ‘adult’ and I can tell you, even now, there are so... Read the rest of this post...


Articles written by Sana Sarwar

February 1, 2016 - Written by:

Why We Should All Take a Leaf Out of a Young Person’s Book


I’m currently at at an age where I’m now considered to be a young adult and no longer seen as a teenager. It feels weird even saying the word adult let alone being  associated with the word. According to society now being an ‘adult’ means I have to be mature in my approach to everything. To be completely honest I know... Read the rest of this post...


Articles written by Sana Sarwar

October 28, 2015 - Written by:

Why I’m Fed Up With Technology And Why You Should Be Too

Hoverboard Joy

We are currently in an age where computer screens dominate our everyday lives. Wherever you turn, there is technology at its finest making life easier for us. An example being the controversial electric vehicle called the Segway, eliminating the need to walk to and from places. How wonderful – not. I have now come to a point where I just... Read the rest of this post...


Articles written by Sana Sarwar

October 9, 2015 - Written by:

6 Top Tips for Facing your Fears


Fact: Fear is an inevitable feeling you’ll experience during your way up in life and is a feeling people should not be ashamed about. (Image via) To have success you need to have gone through failure and to some extent a little fear. That’s why I’ve come to the idea that fear is something that needs to be embraced. I know this... Read the rest of this post...


Articles written by Sana Sarwar

June 25, 2015 - Written by:

My First Year at Uni: The Good and the Bad!

BFF No More_0

I can’t believe it’s been a year since I was worrying about going uni and drowning in my thoughts of whether I would fit in or not, whilst dealing with all the UCAS and student finance things. Which all ends I promise you. I know the student finance thing sounds long and tedious but it will be sorted and that’s when... Read the rest of this post...
