Tag Archive: exercise

November 3, 2015 - Written by:

Run Baby Run


The auburn leaves underfoot and starkly bright mornings give me a very specific déjà vu – it marks one year since I began running. I love it most in the early morning and late evening, when the light flits, either fading or broadening. Needless to say, autumn is my favourite time of year. Positioned midway between the extremities of summer... Read the rest of this post...


February 12, 2014 - Written by:

B*tches Love Abs?

Outdoor life … as we run, the layers of responsibility and identity in our lives fall away.

So I’m driving home from my temp job, feeling pretty content having made a couple-a-quid sitting around ‘playing receptionist’. I casually sing along to some drive time tunes on the radio when it suddenly hits me: “Oh no, oh god no!” I look down; sure enough, there is my Primani rucksack and it smiles at me with tartan teeth. Don’t forget... Read the rest of this post...
