March 11, 2012 - Written by:

YOU GOT THE POWER: Power Dressing for Ass Kickers

I believe in power dressing. Gaga does it. Batman does it. Ivana Trump does it.

If we take power dressing out of the pretentious prick arena of which it is commonly associated, its basic principles can actually have some pretty positive effects on the way we perform and conduct ourselves in our lives. I know this sounds wanky but hear me out… 

I have noticed that whether it be a meeting, a class, a date, an interview or a gym workout  – dressing for the occasion fires me up baby! Power dressing is more than putting on clothes. It’s like strapping on your armour before riding into battle. When you gotta go kick some beeehiiinnnd I find dressing like an ass kicker increases my ass kicking abilities.

  Think about super heroes. They don’t wear their costumes for shits and giggles now do they? Spider-man still has his supernatural powers without his rather marvelous skin tight, butt hugging ensemble. Suuurree it conceals Parker’s identity and falls under the health and safety regulations BUT if those were the only reasons for his outfit why not just pay dancedirect a visit, pick out a full length unitard in midnight black and a balaclava while you’re at it????

Spider-man is totally working this outfit because when he puts it on it helps him get into crime fighting mode. KAPOW!!!  I mean, that kind of needle work doesn’t just happen by accident.

So there is this saying about dressing for the job you want NOT the job you got. Well, my argument is: why not apply this kind of philosophy to your everyday life?

Now DON’T judge me BUT I am totally not ashamed to say that I put make up on before going to the gym… just a little concealer, a swish of blusher and a dab of lip lube and I am ready to go.

What a narcissistic sissy bean I hear you sigh. You’re probably thinking who cares what you look like – you’re going to the gym for gawdsake!!!

BUT the reality is when I work out wearing my dad’s disgarded t-shirt, my shoddy school shorts (that give my bum about as much allure as an oven door), skin looking like potato skins and unbrushed hair that  has an uncanny resemblance to a badgers arse, I pretty much cut my gyming session down by about 40%. Crikey!

I don’t know about your gym but at mine I have to run in front of a mirror. RUN in front of a mirror. And when I look like shit I don’t wanna run towards it (‘it’ being myself). Know what I’m saying? If anything I wanna run away from it, out of the gym, down the street and home where no one can see my sweaty ass crack. HOWEVER dressing like a wannabe Pump It Up dancer totally psyches me up to BURRRN. (Don’t worry I don’t go for the whole hog but it does put me in the zone.) Let’s slick back this pony tail, conceal the muffin and work these buns girlfriend coz when I dress like I mean to work out I exercise like a badass mutherfucker.

I once spoke with an actor who told me that she carefully selects the shoes she wears to an audition because she finds it one of the most effective ways of getting into character. My point is… something as seemingly trivial as footwear can make a big difference to how you feel – your posture, your walk, and in this case, how you act – it totally helps her get into the role. So if there is an aspect of your character you want to emphasise shoes might help you make that step in the right direction (ahhh see what I did there!)!

A friend of mine often works from home but she makes a point of dressing up even if she knows she’s not going to see anyone. Why? Because it puts her in business mode. It completely sets her up for the day and motivates her. It just puts her in work mode.

I don’t think this revised outlook on power dressing even has to be about dressing up. If you are chilling out putting on ya comfies is just apart of the ritual of getting into that relaxed state of mind as lighting a scented candle.

Shape, cut, length and style of clothing can affect the way you feel and how you interact with other people. Colour works in the same way too. Wearing blue always makes me feel calm – almost sea faring – wistful. Red and I feel alot more vitalized, passionate. When I wear scarlet I feel kinda latino for some strange reason – and I like it!!!

I have noticed when my outfit is unflattering and I feel frumpy and unattractive  – I avoid people even lose a bit of my sparkle. It may sound silly and shallow but I really don’t think it is either of those things.

Power dressing shouldn’t be about impressing other people either, it’s about making YOURSELF feel good.

So basically

             when I DRESS the part,

                                    I FEEL the part and…

                                               when I feel the part

                                                                I ACT the part and…

                                                                                when I act the part

                                                                                          I start to BELIEVE I AM the part

.                                                                                                                …and I get results

(okay sometimes I get results).

And when I don’t get results I think ‘well at least I made failing look kinda good’ and I shimmy on back to ma paaad and listen to Shania Twain.

Of course some people don’t need to power dress in order to feel confident – and if you are one of them then good for you! But the mere mortals among us who occasionally could do with a lil boost – I think power dressing may be a solution when you are on a downer.

One of my best friends has been seriously ill for a while now but one of the ways she revs herself up before going out and facing the world is by putting on an outfit that makes her feel good about herself. When she looks in the mirror and sees the personification of sass in human form she emerges with a spring in her step. She goes out as the confident, beautiful person she is and I know her to be and yes SHE KICKS ASS.

I’m not saying I believe people should be on the fashion radar, keep up with the trends or spend a fortune…  Power dressing should make YOU feel empowered in whatever situation you are prepping up for.

Check out this clip from Romy and Micheles High School Reunion!! AHHHH LOVE IT!!!!! 

THIS IS NOT WHAT I THINK POWER DRESSING IS btw. Even though they do look FIT! They just get it so wrong first time round…


Romy and Michele get it oh so RIGHT second time… (just need to watch first few minutes to get my point). They look sick! (in a good way.)

I’m just saying that when you gotta do something and you’re head’s not quite in it, then wearing the right attire (that YOU personally feel good in) can act like an external placebo that puts you in the necessary frame of mind to go forth and conquer. GO YOU!!!!!

Power dressing, for me, is not about dressing in clothes that are supposed to make you feel powerful but instead selecting the clothes which help unleash the powerful man/woman that ALREADY exists inside of you! SO WORK IT SISTER slash BROTHER – you got the power!

 Have a great week peeps.




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