November 14, 2014 - Written by:

Why Ched Evans Should NOT be Allowed Back into the World of Football

Something has happened this week that has not only taken sexism in the sporting world back a decade, but the fight against rape too.

Ched Evans, recently found guilty of rape and sentenced to five years in prison, has been allowed to train with his old football team, Sheffield United.


(Image via)

So lets just take a look at this shall we. A guy who was found guilty of having sex with a girl who was so drunk that the next morning she couldn’t remember how she got to the hotel room in which her clothes were scattered, has now been released and is allowed to just jump back in and carry on with life as if he never did a terrible thing?

It’s almost as if the football club are giving him a pat on the back, ‘It’s alright mate, you did your bit for the press but we know you’re an ok lad and how much you love the game. Welcome back!’

Ok, so he hasn’t been resigned to the team, but he has been let back in with open arms to the game. To a game that is influential to thousands of impressionable boys around, not only the country, but the world.

The game, and the guys who play it, put people in the spotlight and are role models for how people should behave.

Boys learning and finding out what mutual-consensual sex is all about are now being given the impression that yeah, you’ll get punished if you rape a girl, but you’ll be able to pick up right where you started after 18 months. No biggie.

After yet another goal

(Image via)

Allowing this man back into the fold is as good as educating boys that rape is ok. That it’s ok to take drunk girls back to your hotel room to have sex with. She was probably gagging for it anyway, right?


The fight against rape and sexual abuse in the UK is only now making a step in the right direction. Only now are women coming forward and only now are the authorities taking people seriously. And now this is allowed to happen?

Not only has a key member of society been allowed to reenter the public limelight, but a female (and integral) part of the Sheffield United team and brand felt forced to resign from her role as patron because ‘nobody was making a decision about Ched’, even though there are thousands of signatures from the general public saying they don’t want the footballer back at the club.

What does that tell you about the society we live in?

That sexual abuse is bad and you shouldn’t do it *unless you’ve got money and can kick a ball about*?

That rape is awful and punishable by law. LOL JKS, we still think you’re great?

Errr… something’s gone bit wrong here.

Here are a few stats on rape and sexual abuse in England and Wales alone:

– Approximately 85,000 women are raped on average in England and Wales every year

– Over 400,000 women are sexually assaulted each year

1 in 5 women (aged 16 – 59) has experienced some form of sexual violence since the age of 16.*

Shocking, right?

(*stats courtesy of Rape Crisis UK )

Watch Charlie Webster, the TV presenter who resigned as Sheffield United’s patron, speaking about why she stepped down. We stand by and support you, girl!



1 Comment

  • Lena Hammond

    Loved reading this and its very true i think its not right of the club to let him back especially with everything that’s happened. But what should be done with him? If he served time in prison lets say 5 or 10 years and returned to football would that be appropriate?

    Katie Hopkins this week caused controversy by saying if Ched was a bin man no one would care. I dislike her, but couldn’t help think about it when she said it.

    I’m a woman and a huge football fan but in this case i disagree with Charlie Webster especially since seeing her tweet about Mike Tyson.

    Why does she show admiration for a fellow rapist yet disdain for another? Mike Tyson to some extent is also in the public eye much more than a footballer like Ched Evans, so isn’t he a bad role mode for children?

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