I am so frustrated over the many times that people just cast me to the sidelines, because APPARENTLY I’M TOO YOUNG.
In other words they think I am incapable of doing anything simply because of my age. It’s like a silent way of saying; ‘no, sorry, you’re too stupid to understand’.
It’s not like I’m a five year old who can just about spell their own name. I’m in my late teens and I still get that horrid line thrown at me.
This particularly happens in the sphere of politics, or any other intellectual bubble.
(Image via)
Many people say it’s the youths who are at fault: that they are ‘not engaging’ with current affairs and politics.
But what about, those young people who want that debate and discussion but are being chucked to the side for no good reason. The people at fault are the people in our society who don’t value the youth and their opinions.
I mean, how can you expect the young generation to be active in society when you’re not giving them any value.
The youth are just as able as anyone else in society, and some even have more logic and understanding than many people in the older generation.
If you’re still not convinced that the youth are worth their salt, then what about young people like Malala Yousafzai, who actively campaigns for the right for education and equality? What about Anne Frank who captivated the world with her diary?
There have been countless youths who have left their legendary stamp on this world for all to see. Showing the world that yes, the youth can make a positive change and a difference to society.
But wait. Let’s not forget the unsung heroes among us that aren’t celebrities and famous. I’m talking about the youth that volunteer in their local societies, in places like care homes and charity events.
Just because the youth are not focused on all the time, that does not mean they are not there and that they have nothing to say.
It’s the youth that will have to pay for the mistakes of the current government and face the never ending debt in the future.
In actual fact we’re paying for the decisions made by the older generation now. We face unemployment, zero hour contracts, unpaid work and housing issues.
How can you say we have nothing to say, when we have the right to be heard?
As a generation we are undermined for our capability and understanding. But please, don’t let that faze you. You are just as important as anyone else and age is irrelevant.
So just remember, age is nothing but a number!
If you enjoyed this post, why not check out ‘Who’s Voting Then?‘
Categories: Fire me up baby! From the Heart Mirror Mirror: Self Improvement Rant Sana Sarwar Wise up!