The Pressure To Fit In When We Are All Unique!
Firstly, I want to start by reminding people of the obvious facts:
Everyone is different, everyone has their own character, their own physical features and their own mind.
However, we are all BEAUTIFUL!
Differences in character for example, like and dislikes, is what makes us more appealing as humans. Your differences make you unique, and more interesting, stamping you with your own identity.
Yet, in this vain social media dominated world, and with the ever increasing push to meet modern day stereotypes, we are burdened by the pressure to ‘fit in’.
I think everyone’s been faced with this dilemma probably once in their life, when they do whatever it takes to fit in the crowd. Sometimes, even going as far as changing aspects of yourself, like your dress sense, just so you can fit in with a certain type of people.
(Image via)
I know I have (she says super embarrassed!).
Yes, I must admit I have had my fair share of trying to ‘fit in’, changing things from my sense of style to my likes and dislikes. I’ve done it all and even got the t-shirt to prove it!
Yet, I soon learnt that if I had to try and please someone by changing my character just so I could be accepted and liked, when I don’t even like what I am doing, the line HAD to be drawn there.
It all just became unnatural.
There is no point in changing yourself for others, just so you can be liked and accepted. People should just accept you for your unique character; every difference is natural and beautiful in its own right, from your appearance to your personality.
When you start comparing and contrasting yourself to others is when you start ploughing the seed for trouble.
Don’t think your differences are a fault, which needs to be fixed by you following others. You should feel your differences are something you should be proud of, that sets you aside from the rest.
(Image via)
There is so much we gain from being different from one another from cultural differences to beliefs – there is always an opportunity to learn and progress with diversity.
As much as you would like to ‘fit in’ with a certain group of people, don’t change yourself for them. Instead be proud and embrace your differences, and remember your individuality is something which should be treasured and respected; it’s your stamp of uniqueness.
So own it!
If you enjoyed this article, why not check out ‘Cliques: Friends or Foes?‘
Tags: Acceptance diversity Joy Sana Sarwar
Categories: a little piece of joy Empowerment: Man! I feel Like a Woman! Fire me up baby! From the Heart Mirror Mirror: Self Improvement Sana Sarwar Wise up!