Love? Life? Joy!

Posts categorised in : Wise up!

April 9, 2014 - Written by:

Could You Bear To Go Bare?

London-World-Naked-Bike-Ride (1)

About a year ago I was smoosing on Facebook, most likely procrastinating in exam time, when I came across a photo. The photo was of one of my friends. Flowers were aligned in a crescent shape on her head, her hair trailing behind her as she appeared to be cycling in the wind, her eyes were bright and her fair... Read the rest of this post...


March 27, 2014 - Written by:

I Believe (and Hope) the Children are the Future…

Whitney Houston Children

Back in the day Whitney proudly sang about her belief in the children of the future. Although this hit song can more commonly be found amongst drag queens repertoires and hen night playlists, I think that its message is one that I am greatly dependent upon. In the past few weeks, I have been somewhat ashamed by those of my... Read the rest of this post...


February 26, 2014 - Written by:

The A Word

Drugs are bad

What if I told you I had a terminal illness? That I only had a few months to live but there was a chance I could drop off at any moment. How would you react? I can hear the conversation in my head: two ladies sat over two cuppas in the local greasy spoon. “They say she only has a... Read the rest of this post...


February 20, 2014 - Written by:

Worry Lines


If worrying gives you wrinkles, then by now I should look like one of those Shar Pei dogs. I would need a huge vat of anti-wrinkle cream. I am a massive worrier and some days I feel like I have the weight of the world on my shoulders. Sometimes it’s big things that worry me: global warming, flooding, the recession. Sometimes a small thing that happens can make me worry about a whole heap of other things. I know that worrying is a waste of time and completely unproductive, and I often tell other people this, but I find it difficult to take my own advice.


February 3, 2014 - Written by:

Is Social Media Channeling a New Wave of Attention Seekers?


I am definitely against people propagating ideals of themselves for no other discernible purpose than to derive attention. This happens a lot nowadays, especially with the influx of social media and the inevitable purpose for which people use it. There is a never ending cycle of “look at me” and it is relatively frustrating. This is made even more unbearable... Read the rest of this post...
