Tag Archive: awkward

November 7, 2014 - Written by:

Argh! Why Am I So Awkward?!


Arrrgghhh! Why am I so bloody awkward?!?! I am, unfortunately, one of those people who embarrasses easily. This has come from my younger years, those who have ever been made fun of when you were younger will know that feeling of shame – and it stays with you forever. The dread, the panic and the sweat come flooding back every... Read the rest of this post...


December 19, 2013 - Written by:

Happy Cringemas!


Christmas is just around the corner, which inevitably means work dos, crimbo dinners and festive parties. This usually involves having to be social with some people that you know less well than others, which combined with varying amounts of mulled wine and other tipples, can lead to some awkward situations. It could range from a wardrobe malfunction to an under-the-mistletoe... Read the rest of this post...
