Tag Archive: careers

October 21, 2015 - Written by:

Is The ‘New’ Age Making You Ungrateful Or Ambitious?


Do you have food, shelter and good people around you? Do you have a job and some money in your pocket, not rich but definitely enough to get by and go to Shoreditch once a month, eat out and have some fun? People around you praise your achievements and tell you how ‘lucky’ you are?  That you should not really... Read the rest of this post...


October 8, 2015 - Written by:

The Under-Experienced Over-Qualified Twenty-Something-Year-Old

dressed up

Having to do job applications when you’re on the first day of your period should be illegal. In an un-written rule sense. A universal understanding that it’s actually better for everyone if you make a soft nest, swathed in pug puppies and furry cats, hot-water bottles, slouchy clothes and an all-day run of the Gilmore Girls. (Image via) Alas, I... Read the rest of this post...


May 20, 2015 - Written by:

CAREER: What Does Success ‘LOOK’ Like?


I have been thinking recently about how easy it is to determine if someone is successful based on how they ‘look’ on their public profiles. When I use the term ‘look’ I am referring to not only their face, but also how they portray themselves on social media platforms, which is a HUGE thing nowadays. I want to scratch your brain on a few things... Read the rest of this post...


January 4, 2015 - Written by:

Women, Business and the Publishing Industry: A Chat with… Ruby Mae Moore [Video]

Ruby Interveiw

Are you thinking about starting your own business? What’s more important: talent or passion? Was does it take to work in the publishing industry?  We chat to Ruby Mae Moore, Editor in Chief of Amor Magazine, on her personal journey, how she started the magazine, what she looks for in a new writer and what brings her joy! If you enjoyed this video... Read the rest of this post...


November 10, 2014 - Written by:

Careers & Creating Your Own Path: A Chat with… Adam Bradford [VIDEO]


Do you need to go to university? How important is a mentor? What’s the most common mistake that young people make in business?  We chat with Adam Bradford, mentor at UnLtd, entrepreneur, managing director of UnITe Computing and ambassador for the Peter Jones Academy on his personal struggles and his top business advice. Oh yeah, and what brings him a lil’... Read the rest of this post...


October 24, 2014 - Written by:

Is this for real? Life as an ‘adult’ isn’t what I expected.


Sometimes, we have a vision of how our lives will be. Very rarely is this ever carried off into reality. Imagine when it does and it’s the glorious moment where the film director articulates the book as if they were reading your own imagination. However this is very rare. When I was younger, and I used to think about what... Read the rest of this post...


October 3, 2014 - Written by:

Dating Decisions: Does the Career Make the Man?


Flashback to five years ago: I’m in university attending a meeting for a very aliljoy-esque student organisation. A group of young ladies are gathered to discuss everything from leadership and women’s issues to pop culture. Eventually the conversation turns to a subject that most teens and 20-somethings love to discuss: relationships. After we rant about the trials and tribulations of... Read the rest of this post...
