Tag Archive: goals

December 21, 2015 - Written by:

On Why It’s Never Too Late to Dream Again


This time of year always has me thinking about dreams and goal-setting for the New Year. But what people don’t talk about so much is the importance of picking yourself up after a dream has shattered, and, when that happens, having the courage to dream again. If the loss of a dream has crushed you in the past, this is... Read the rest of this post...


December 8, 2015 - Written by:

The Fear of Failure and How to Use it to Motivate You


Lying side by side in the darkness one evening, at that time of night when we know we should be sleeping but have our most honest conversations, he asked me something he had yet to learn about me: ‘What are you most afraid of? Is it Spiders? Snakes?’ No, I’m not scared of spiders or snakes, although perhaps I ought... Read the rest of this post...


December 26, 2013 - Written by:

New Year’s Resolutions

Friends The Routine

So 2013 is coming to an end very soon and it’s that awful time of the year when you’re asked by a couple of merry/intoxicated/barely conscious friends what your new year’s resolution will be. First it feels like you should answer with one of the classic magazine archetypes of ‘lose a few pounds’ or ‘follow a cheese-free diet’, which we... Read the rest of this post...
