Tag Archive: Joy

November 13, 2014 - Written by:

Confessions of a Past Perfectionist: Why Being Perfect Isn’t Worth It

Imperfection is Beauty

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the number of tasks you’ve been meaning to check off on your to do list? Do you remember beating yourself up after only achieving a B grade on an exam instead of an A? Everyone remembers that IT  boy and girl at school who were involved in every aspect of school life, be it... Read the rest of this post...


November 7, 2014 - Written by:

Argh! Why Am I So Awkward?!


Arrrgghhh! Why am I so bloody awkward?!?! I am, unfortunately, one of those people who embarrasses easily. This has come from my younger years, those who have ever been made fun of when you were younger will know that feeling of shame – and it stays with you forever. The dread, the panic and the sweat come flooding back every... Read the rest of this post...


November 3, 2014 - Written by:

Dream. Believe. Do. REPEAT.


The other day I received a teeny tiny message in a bottle from one of my best friends. In it were the words: Dream. Believe. Do. Repeat. Many people wonder: what’s the recipe for success? Good question! I mean, whether it’s your personal health, career or relationships, what really makes a person successful at what they do? How do you... Read the rest of this post...


October 24, 2014 - Written by:

Is this for real? Life as an ‘adult’ isn’t what I expected.


Sometimes, we have a vision of how our lives will be. Very rarely is this ever carried off into reality. Imagine when it does and it’s the glorious moment where the film director articulates the book as if they were reading your own imagination. However this is very rare. When I was younger, and I used to think about what... Read the rest of this post...
