Tag Archive: forgiveness

August 18, 2015 - Written by:

Choose Love, Choose Happiness

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Something that has been bothering my mind recently is how easy it is to feel silly or irrational when you keep forgiving someone continuously or consistently make an effort with that one friend everyone says treats you badly. We have all felt that major burn in our chest at one point in our lives when someone disappoints us beyond our... Read the rest of this post...


March 31, 2013 - Written by:

Pay Phone

The other day I was kicking back drinking some herbal tea, preparing for a day of job hunting, when my phone began to ring. It was my dad. ‘Yazmin.’ He was using my unabbreviated first name. Something was up. ‘….Dad? What’s wrong? Is it grandma-’ ‘No.’ he interjected. ‘Worse. I have your phone bill here’ Oh shit. It turns out... Read the rest of this post...
