November 19, 2013 - Written by:

Revelations of a Perfectionist

Over the last few weeks, as I have settled back into work and home life (following half term) I have had a profound revelation:


I’m a perfectionist! A lot of people will see this as a positive attribute right? I mean there’s nothing worse than a substandard job. A perfectionist will put in 100% to ensure the final product is flawless….. The truth, however, is that being a perfectionist isn’t the same as being a high achiever. If I can’t guarantee a fabulous outcome I’d rather procrastinate than do it wrong…… This is quite possibly why my degree took five years to complete!


(Image via)

For so long I’ve been racing on, taking on too much work, worrying I’m screwing up the kids or worrying I’m screwing up my career… but actually the only thing I’ve been screwing up is myself.

Writing for the fabulous aliljoy means that I need to begin searching for that little bit of joy in all things. I want to encourage you, this fortnight, to cast off the chips weighing down your shoulders and ask one question. Who am I doing this for?

So often in life we want to prove a point to our doubters, say look at me, look at what I have achieved. But I have realised recently: someone who wants the best for us will congratulate our achievements not criticise our flaws.

You’ll never learn to accept yourself while you’re looking through the wrong eyes.

This fortnight I wanted to lay my working mum flaws bare for you, tell you the mistakes I have made in a bid to illustrate how we don’t need to be perfect to have it all. But then I realised, parodying my mistakes isn’t a challenge at all: listing my positive attributes would be a far tougher assignment…. Surely that’s an arrogant thing to do right? I mean there’s no way I could possibly share that with you…… even if I did, I’m not sure I couldn’t think of anything positive to say about myself….. But I will… and here it is:

I have a good imagination

Yes, that’s it! Not profound no, but a start….. Hopefully the start of a long list. I’d likes to encourage you to do the same over the next two weeks and have the guts to share them……….

I will no longer strive for perfection!!! I will celebrate my little achievements rather than overloading myself, I will ignore negative comments from narrow minded people, and, I will continue eating pizza in bed while watching Game Of Thrones!! Cos I’m (starting to be) proud of who I am!!



1 Comment

  • Ah, great post! I’m exactly the same. Everything has to be done to the best of my ability or not at all. I’m not a “that’ll do” kinda gal. But I am learning to prioritise my workload and break things down into smaller chunks, otherwise I’ll never achieve anything.

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