July 7, 2014 - Written by:

3 Tips on How to Stand on the Brink of the Unknown (Without Shitting Your Pants)

Have you seen that movie Never Been Kissed

In the final scene all the events in the movie have been leading up to this one moment: the moment Josie Geller (hopes) she will be kissed good and proper by the hunk of her dreams. As the seconds tick away, self doubt creeps into her expression and you can see  she is fearful of the future.


(Image via)

Sometimes I think we can all be Josie Geller standing on the cusp of the unknown.

Full of expectation and hopefulness – but not quite knowing if it will work out.

And if you are in this situation, you will probably be:

a) Alone – or  feeling alone in your situation (this is necessary in your personal journey).

b) You will question your ability and feel like giving up (and moving to Bali).

If this is you right now, the most important thing is to NOT TO GIVE UP.

Whether you are waiting for a love, life or career break through, we often stand in the firing line alone, hoping that all the hard work and perseverance leading up to this pivotal moment will result in the desired outcome.

Reality check: it might not happen how we expect. 

I live the majority of my life feeling like I am standing on the cusp of the unknown. I can barely see two steps ahead of me. Am I cray cray for choosing to live this way? I do wonder sometimes.

But if you are in the same situation as me, here are 3 tips to keeping cool on the brink of the unknown:

1. Practice contentment. 

If you start freaking out, you will lose it sister/brother! Stay cool, real cool like the Jets in the musical Westside Story.

Contentment is less to do with being lazy and complacent and more to do with having an emotional and spiritual peace in the place you are at now, whatever the circumstances.

How to you achieve this?

Stop and practice being grateful and acknowledging what you have achieved – even if they are little things! Say it out loud or write your progress in a journal. Meditate and practice outward, rather than inward, thinking.

2. Don’t stop moving. 

You might be waiting for the big break but this doesn’t mean your life has halted to a stand-still. Little steps, always little steps like Muhammed Ali in the ring. Never stop sowing the seeds of your future.

Sometimes I just pray that the wrong doors close and the right doors open.

We don’t know what’s round the corner, so it’s important we keep moving forwards. Keep learning, keep growing, keep loving, keep on movin’ – as Livin’ Joy would say (chuuuune). Little steps.

3. Stand firm in faith. 

‘For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future’ – Jeremiah 29:11.

Now I know what you’re thinking:

Yaz, seriously, shut the fuck up. There is NO breakthrough occurring in my life right now. I am stuck in this sucky job. I’m still single. I’m still bored as hell. I’m still poor. AGHHH kill me now!!

Well, homegirl, I hear you loud and clear. But you haven’t really got a great deal of choice now, do you? You either give up and stay exactly where you are, OR you suck it up soldier, accept that there comes a point when you must stand tall in faith.

Believe me, when you stand tall in these challenges people will see you ABOVE the crowd. 


(Image via)

Maybe you have filled out all those job applications and you are waiting to hear whether you’ve got a career break through. Maybe you are about to get exam results and crapping yourself.

Are you feeling like Josie in Never Been Kissed, standing on the pitchers mound feeling like your gonna shit your pants if it doesn’t work out? 

Be at peace through contentment, keep taking the lil’ steps and stand tall in faith. You’ll be ready when it comes.

Have a great week peeps.





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