Love? Life? Joy!

Posts categorised in : Fire me up baby!

October 6, 2014 - Written by:

What are we feeding the Trolls? Why the Internet turned on FKA Twigs


FKA Twigs received some pretty nasty-ass racist abuse on Twitter the other week by some perplexed K-Stew fans who couldn’t understand how Rob Pattinson could find the singer attractive.  ‘You’re a monkey abortion,’ one person tweeted. Charming. ‘Is it really impossible to believe that Rob went out with this monkey,’ commented another apparent Twilight fan – who evidently struggles with life... Read the rest of this post...


August 19, 2014 - Written by:

Old habits die hard. Or do they?


Old habits die hard. Or do they? Over one of the many Easter-time bank holidays, a friend of mine visited me in London for a few days. Coming from the country, she’d bought a glossy women’s magazine to occupy her during the journey. I’m not one to buy magazines – so rarely read them. Flicking through her shiny copy of... Read the rest of this post...


July 22, 2014 - Written by:

Fear of the Fat

Special K

I have been eating rubbish food ever since I can remember. When I was younger, I would be made to sit at the table until I finished vegetables that would make me want to vom.  Everyone said I would grow out of it. I didn’t so much grow out of the green vegetable hating. I just found more foods that... Read the rest of this post...
