Tag Archive: cats

November 26, 2014 - Written by:

What Pets Can Teach Us…

What Pets Can Teach Us

So the other day I woke up hungover to shit and barely remembering my walk home. I called my friend to reminisce about last night’s frolicking and he kindly informed me of a dramatic monologue I’d indulged in. ‘You told me all about your dead cat.’ He said, ‘You even cried at one point!’ ‘Oh dear Lord.’ Thought I, as the... Read the rest of this post...


February 17, 2014 - Written by:

Valentine’s Day is Not an Excuse to Behave Like a Cat in Heat


This Valentines Day, I had planned an evening at home with the people that I love, but my evening soon went tits-up when we realised we couldn’t find the cat. We searched the house top to bottom, she wasn’t there. She had literally disappeared. We began searching the local streets for our little stray. Although we tried to keep calm... Read the rest of this post...
