July 16, 2013 - Written by:

Live Well Not Stupid


Be a warrior

 Photo via

The sun is shining. La la la… Life can be so wonderful can’t it? La la la WHEN YOU DON’T LOOK AT THE NEWS.

‘Whatever you do, DON’T turn on the telly’ my mate exclaimed, appearing in the kitchen as I groggily brewed a cup tea Sunday morning.

‘What? Why?’ I said.

Only when someone says don’t look at the news do I actually want to look at the news.

As it turned out Glee star Cory Monteith (my-not-so-secret-crush) was dead at 31 and George Zimmerman was acquitted of murdering the sweet-faced 17 year old Trayvon Martin. 

Two very tragic and unsettling international headlines within the short space of 24 hours.

There are two points that really got me about these stories:

1. Cory’s untimely death resonates we are a society that is so preoccupied with celebrity culture and emulating their lifestyle we really have no idea about their real lives beyond the ankle deep perspective of the media.  

We saw the post-rehab pictures and thought Cory was on the mend – schmoozing around Hollywood, holidays in Mexico… But upon leaving rehab an estimated third of addicts die, a third relapse and a third survive. Did you know that? I certainly didn’t.

I am not implying that fame killed Cory. It was well known he struggled with addiction before he got his big break, but I think the death of this lovely man is a testament that money and fame can not remedy our problems.

Many people believe that living like the cast of Made in Chelsea is something to aspire to. It’s not. Don’t be a wanker. Many of us aspire for financial wealth, possessions and dinner at the Ivey – yes that would be rather nice wouldn’t it? Maybe some of you already live that lifestyle. It’s great. But to make this your main ambition in life is just ridiculous.

After all you can be dirty rich and famous and STILL BE MISERABLE. You can STILL STRUGGLE WITH ADDICTION. You can STILL FEEL LONELY. You can STILL FEEL INSECURE. You are not invincible.

2. … and while many of us (me in particular) are obsessed with David Gandy’s chiseled jaw or Kim Kardashian’s ass the rest of the world is slowly disintegrating into what can only be described as utter carnage. 

The Trayvon Martin case just highlighted the ugly truth about the world we live in: we aren’t there yet. Racism, sexism, homophobia, genocide, slavery – we’re aren’t there yet. Justice… what’s that again?

I can’t believe in this day and age we are witnessing such unapologetic racism against a boy who was armed with nothing but iced tea and Skittles, in Florida of all places!? The home of Disney World!?

Martin’s case just highlighted the rather obvious but often neglected reality that the battle isn’t over. 

I don’t think living well and living stupid are the same thing. Some people turn a blind eye to the problems of the world, because they ‘don’t want to be sad’. O please get a grip.

For me living well isn’t about extravagance or being care free all the time. It’s also about kicking some ass and running a good race. 

So what is important?

As I was rummaging through a box of old paper work I came across a card my dad had given me the summer I had completed my A-Levels. In it was some advice on how to run a good race. I want to share them with you…

‘The 10 New Commandments’

  1. Treat others as you would have them treat you.  
  2. Take Responsibilities for your actions.
  3. Do not kill. 
  4. Be honest. 
  5. Do not steal.
  6. Protect and nurture children.
  7. Protect the environment.
  8. Look after the vulnerable.
  9. Never been violent.
  10. Look after your family. 

(This list was revised by Jon Snow after he conducted a public survey)

I looked through this list and thought about how many of these points I stood by in my own life. Maybe some better than others.

Push your limits, have adventures, live young and enjoy the journey.

Live well not stupid. 

Have a great (and sunny) week peeps!





  • Your dad’s a smart man! And I’m as outraged as you about both these new stories. News of Cory’s death also reminded me of Heath Ledger’s – how the media was quick to jump to the overdose conclusion before anything has actually been investigated. It’s so sad that they can no longer defend themselves. I hope he gets the respect and understanding he deserves.

    We were listening to Radio 1 Newsbeat in the minibus for work yesterday and I was trying to explain why people are outraged about that wanker being free to walk the streets and nobody seemed particularly bothered. Like it’s normal. It’s not! I’m getting angry again…

  • Yazmin Joy

    Thanks Emma! Yes frustrating I think a lot of people feel powerless… that there is no point in kicking up a fuss because their voice will not get heard. Not true. If it’s not on their front door step a lot of people don’t care. I think we all gotta find things we wanna fight for. So glad I’m not the only one outraged by these issues 🙂 Thanks for reading sister! X

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