September 16, 2013 - Written by:

Mission Impossible, Made Possible

Do you ever feel like you are in over your head? That everything has suddenly decided to happen at the same time and you are completely overwhelmed?

Sod’s Law never ceases to amaze me with its impeccable timing. Why does everything have to happen at once?

Now I have to admit something to you. I am a stressy person. I have a Filofax (which I carry around everywhere) and in my Filofax is MY LIFE. You see, I like to have a plan.


The other week I was experiencing stress like I had never experienced before. I thought I had everything under control. Then from out of nowhere obstacles I had not foreseen had suddenly obstructed my path and I was unexpectedly thrown off course. I felt like Lara Croft and ahead of me was about 8 consecutive wrecking balls all swinging at different times.

The thought of the week ahead just looked impossible from where I was standing. I didn’t know what to do. I was emotional, exhausted (with a whoopping great, fat stye in my eye – attractive!) and unbelievably STRESSED. At the time, I did the only thing I could do: I burst into tears. I want to run awayyyyy,’ I dramatically sobbed making a protective cocoon for myself with my duvet.

After having a good cry, I finally surfaced. And my throbbing, swollen eyeball was, for some reason, drawn to my calendar. And there it was, the words of guidance I had been seeking:

The impossible can be broken down into possibilities.

It was like the universe was somehow telling me to chill the fuck out, man up and sort out my shizzle.


(Image via)

If life unexpectedly throws you in the deep end, don’t fret brother/sister! Here are some tips that I picked up from my week of carnage, which I hope will help you out:

1. Let your emotion out.

Not in public – if you can help it. Instead go into your room and have a good cry or listen to some heavy metal… I personally like to listen to Linkin Park and jump around a bit.

Don’t operate under excess emotion. It will be counter productive and you might wind up making the situation worse.

2. Plan. Plan. Plan.

Don’t just run head first into carnage. No great warrior ever went to war without a plan of action, even if it was pulled  out of their ass last minute.

Take out that Filofax Missy/Mr and re-jig your life. It can be done. Once a very wise person once told me that God never gives us more than we can handle. And I believe this with all my heart.

Break down your week into days. Or your days into hours. Even if your resources are limited, assess what you DO HAVE and write out a plan of action.

When I was torn between work and family, I thought to myself: What would Beyonce do?

I’m pretty sure the Queen B would work overtime and come up with a kick ass plan to work in both. (Or ride in on a fire breathing dragon… either way…)

3. Cut out the fat.

When time is suddenly of the essence re-schedule any meeting/task that is not absolutely necessary.

Do you really need to go to the gym on Wednesday? Can coffee with your old school friend be re-arranged for the following week?  

Prioritise. Focus on what NEEDS to be done, and deal with the rest later.

3. Communicate with the key players around you.

Now I don’t mean start blabbering your life story to every Tom, Dick and Harry but DO COMMUNICATE to the key people in your inner circle about your situation. Be realistic with them and keep them in the loop. It will alleviate the pressure and, more than likely, they will want to help you.

4. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

My mum, dad and best friend suddenly came to my rescue like a small army of shining angels (with tea and biscuits).

Because I had a) communicated and b) planned ahead, my mum (the legend that she is) was able to re-jig her schedule and pack some food for me to travel with. My dad printed out my call sheets and updated scripts. My best friend joked she had become my PA as she booked my train tickets as I packed for my trip.

I know that I am very blessed to have had these people to help me. (I’ve always wanted my own PA!) In reality, sometimes there is no help and you have to soldier on alone.

But if someone asks you: ‘Is there something I can do?’ Then don’t be afraid to say YES!

5. When all else fails: Sleep on it.

I asked my dad for his advice for dealing with unexpected stress. To which he replied:

“Yaz, when life throws you so much sh** you really don’t know how you are going to get through the day, my advice would be to sleep on it. And usually things will be better. You’ll wake up and realise ‘I’ve survived another day. It can’t get any worse than yesterday’ and then you can get on with it…” 


(Image via)

…Half way through my crazy week, I collapsed on my friend’s sofa.

‘Rachel, I don’t know how I’m going to get through this…’

Rachel passed me a fresh cuppa. ‘How do you eat an elephant?’

‘I have no idea.’ I sighed.

‘One bit at a time.’ 

It was so corny yet so true. My friend Rachel is a wise old soul!

…Looking back, I don’t know how I got through the week. I travelled 1200 miles, worked 50 hours, and was able to support my family when we we encountered an unexpected tragedy. I don’t know how I did it, but I did.

I guess my calendar was right: the impossible CAN be broken down into possibilities. You just need the right tools.

So how do you deal with stressful situations? Do you have any tips? Share it peeps!

Have a great week!

Yaz x





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