September 19, 2013 - Written by:

Trains, Tennis and Trespassers

So, a few weeks ago I took the morning off work for an appointment up in London. I promised my manager that I’d be back at the end of lunchtime. And if you know anything about me I always keep my promises.

But as my luck would have it, things did not go as planned.

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Firstly, my appointment was delayed. I sat looking at the clock counting the seconds, trying to work out what train I could catch and what time I’d arrive at work. I can’t be late. I can’t be late. I’m one of those people who would rather be forty minutes early for something than five minutes late. Drives me crazy!

After a very sweaty bus ride, I ran (yes people, I ran – like a crazy woman) for the train; the slow one (doh)! But I was glad I made it and was happy to finally be getting back to work.

…Ten minutes later I was casually flicking through ‘The Metro’, minding my own business, when the train shuddered to a halt.

‘Sorry for the delay ladies and gentleman, but there is a trespasser ON THE LINE!’ The guard announced. Oh great! I thought.

There was a guy sitting opposite me who had been chatting to his girlfriend in what I assumed was French. ‘What’s a trespasser?’

I don’t have time for this damnit.

Suddenly an old lady sitting near me sighed. ‘If I was the train driver I’d keep on driving. They shouldn’t be on the track in the first place.’ Then she paused. ‘But it could be an old person with dementia.’

Silence in the carriage.


By this point I was starting to think that by the time I got back the day would be over! NOOOOOOO! Sodding train.

Eventually the guard appeared. ‘Sorry everyone, I don’t know how long we’re going to be. There is a lady running around right in front of the train. The police are on their way.’

The old lady sighed.  ‘It would be quicker if I got off now and walked home.’

Then she got up and went to walk down the train to work out where we were. It was hot and sticky and everyone was fed up. The whole train was eerily silent as if no-one had the energy to speak. I wouldn’t be surprised if the old lady got off the train and tried to catch the trespasser herself – I thought.  I could imagine it being like one of those old-fashioned, slap-stick, silent movies; a mad women running away from an old lady chasing her with her walking stick.

Soon the old lady was back. ‘If I met this stupid trespasser, I’d give them a right kick up the ARSE!’

The carriage burst into laughter. The old lady sat back down and looked at me.

‘I don’t suppose you could look up the tennis results on your phone?’

I smiled.

Even though I was hot, sweaty and RIDICULOUSLY LATE for work, I began to realise that having the train delayed by forty-five minutes wasn’t really as bad as it could have been. I was kept entertained by the old lady and in return I gave her updates on the tennis.

So I guess what I’m trying to say is that, even though things don’t always go to plan, the unexpected stuff can be a lot more fun. I guess it was a bonus too that I only had to go into work for an hour and a half! Could be worse…

  -By Poppy Gillian



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