January 28, 2014 - Written by:

Stop Planning, Start Living!

This weekend I went to a ruby wedding anniversary! It was wonderful to share in the celebrations of a couple who have been a big part of my life and, fat and full after a lovely meal, I and many others looked on as the couple’s children took centre stage to recount their childhood. With 6 children and 5 grandchildren their marriage has been filled with love and laughter.

I began thinking about my own legacy, my children and the memories they will have. So busy making plans for the future, we can often stop living in the moment. The amount of people I have met that say life goes by quickly and your children grow up so fast. Yet, when you’re young you don’t think that way, you’re always racing to the next goal. I’m actually a little ashamed, and I’m keen to slow down.

I find it ironic that I spend my days writing about my life with my family yet sometimes events and milestones can pass by without me taking the time to savour these precious moments.


(Image via)

I have started on my first freelance appointment and, with my regular job and blogging, I have noticed that old ‘guilt trip’ creeping in since Christmas. It seems absurd that I might actually have to pencil family time into my calendar but then again, it’s what you do with the time you have isn’t it? I have a bucket list for turning thirty, not as far off as I would like now, but what do you do once these things are achieved? What are you left with when you have done all YOU want to do?

What you’re left with is the relationships you make along the way.  I have moved so much throughout my life, meeting new people starting new things and its strange what standing still for a while can do…. I’m so used to working towards the next goal that I don’t always appreciate what I have.

I would like to encourage you to take some time out for the people who enrich your lives, it’s normal for friendships to end and new ones to start, sometimes we come together at points in our life where we can relate, and yet drift away once our life takes a new direction and that’s ok! But do thank those who have stayed beside you even when you’re running. We need the people who have seen us grow, change and develop to remind us of who we are (no matter how idyllic a childhood, cringe-worthy the adolescent years or embarrassing the fashion choices).

I’m standing still for a while longer, I don’t want to miss out on my children and I don’t want to forget who I am.



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