January 5, 2014 - Written by:

When Did Playing Games Become Acceptable?

A recurring theme with most of my girlfriends at the moment is that the men in their lives insist on playing games. Games that make them lose trust and faith in humanity, give up on believing that there is a guy out there for them and make them withdraw into themselves. The other theme that runs along with this is that these men then blame the girls and have a hissy fit that they are the ones that have been screwed over.

Listen up boys! Whenever you lie, sign up to Tinder behind your girlfriend’s back or try and guilt your ex, you will be found out and you will pay for it eventually.

Let’s break this down for you.

When you lie to your girlfriend about where you stayed, who you were with or who slept in your bed last night, she will find out. This is usually because more often than not, you can’t keep up with your own lies. You also seem to forget that people like to gossip and most girls don’t like to see their friends hurt. If your housemate, best friend’s fuck-buddy or your girlfriend’s co-worker sees you out doing something you lied to your other half about, she’ll know within 24 hours.

The thing about lying is that, even if we don’t know what you’re lying about, we know you’re lying about something. This then turns into checking your phones, your Facebook and everything in between. We then get turned into the crazy ex-girlfriend when you talk to your friends. But I’d just like to put something out there – we wouldn’t go so crazy if you weren’t lying to us about why you didn’t get home until seven in the morning.

When did playing games become acceptable

(Image via)

When you sign up to Tinder behind your girlfriend’s back, it’s likely that all her single friends are on there shopping for men in the area. Whether they’re just looking for a few one night stands or a bit of attention, it doesn’t matter. They see you, she sees you. Don’t be so damn silly. By putting yourself on Tinder, you’re letting the world know that you are actively on the lookout for a hook-up, and there is no excuse for that.

The same goes for Plenty of Fish, Match.com and any of the other dating sites that are lurking out there.

When you try and guilt a girl into doing what you want, you are doing nothing but pushing her away. Telling her to “just go and fuck him then” will do nothing but encourage her to, even if she doesn’t want to or even know what you’re talking about. When you say “because this is the last time you will get to see me before I go” you are not encouraging her to come and see you, you are coming across as an arrogant twat.

And then. AND THEN, you blame us. Because we have issues, because we’re ‘playing hard to get’, because we’re being a bit weird when you go out drinking. Do you want to know something, boys? We have issues because you lie, we’re not playing hard to get – we’re actually just telling you to go away but you can’t comprehend that a female wouldn’t want you, and we’re being a bit weird because you’re a dick when you’re drunk.

When did these games become acceptable? The men I know playing them are in their late 20s and early 30s. Not their early 20s or their teens. They are fully grown, functional men with careers and a grasp on humanity.


Rant. Over.

Has anyone else had any experience of mind games? Let us know!

– you can’t make this shit up




  • Yes! I have. There was a guy who recently stayed at my house and then wouldn’t kiss me in the morning “until I brushed my teeth.” So I didn’t brush my teeth and he left without kissing me goodbye.

    I didn’t hear from him for a week. Then he Whatsapped me, saying he wasn’t over his ex. In his last message he said “you look great though.”

    Several weeks on, he’s messaging me saying he really likes me but doesn’t want to “rush into anything too serious” in case I get upset.

    What a dick.

  • Priscila

    Cas delete/block him immediately! There’s Plenty o’ Fish out there (pun intended).
    As far as the games, we’ve all been there when we were young. Once I hit my 30s I began to love myself and not out up with boys’ (not men) shit. Eventually I met my now fiancée. Everything works out in the end if you love and respect yourself first and foremost 🙂

  • Lauren Williams

    OMG! Cas get him out of your life! You are definitely worth more than having to deal with games 🙂 x

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