Tag Archive: technology

October 28, 2015 - Written by:

Why I’m Fed Up With Technology And Why You Should Be Too

Hoverboard Joy

We are currently in an age where computer screens dominate our everyday lives. Wherever you turn, there is technology at its finest making life easier for us. An example being the controversial electric vehicle called the Segway, eliminating the need to walk to and from places. How wonderful – not. I have now come to a point where I just... Read the rest of this post...


February 6, 2015 - Written by:

Throw Away Your Television! (Or at Least Your Mobile for an Hour).

Couple Texting

When I was in 6th Form, Miss Cook told her class that she didn’t have a telly. You can imagine the horrified gasps of fifteen Fresh Prince-obsessed girls echoing around the classroom. But this had given one of my schoolmates, Sarah, an idea – as a self-confessed telly addict, she would attempt to give up her favourite shows for two... Read the rest of this post...
