October 24, 2014 - Written by:

Is this for real? Life as an ‘adult’ isn’t what I expected.

Sometimes, we have a vision of how our lives will be. Very rarely is this ever carried off into reality.

Imagine when it does and it’s the glorious moment where the film director articulates the book as if they were reading your own imagination. However this is very rare.

When I was younger, and I used to think about what adult life would be like, I used to imagine it would feel very different and I would actually feel like I was an adult.

Even as a teenager, I very much considered a 24 year old to be an adult. But I don’t feel very much like an adult in this moment.

There’s still a million things I need to understand and learn how to do – I thought once you were an adult this knowledge was given to you simultaneously upon reaching the age of 21. It did not happen.

I used to tell myself things like, ‘I will never work in an office’ because my idea of office work was someone photocopying and stapling in a dingy brown room. I thought boring people worked in offices – I didn’t understand that my choice of career would, most likely, lead me to work in an office. Nice one future Becky.

What I think is, that we might have an idea of what we want things to be like, but they can often be different to what we expect. That’s fine, we just need to recognise that we have what we want even if it it doesn’t look or feel like we thought it would.


(Image via)

It might be that dream wedding you’ve been planning, the dream career, or the dreamy perfect partner you were hoping for. However, these are our dreams, and dreams/ imagination can have little habit of leaving out problems or complications.

Life has a way of throwing the unexpected at you.

Sometimes it delivers things to you in a package that you wouldn’t always expect.

You can hope to have the great job in the company you have always wanted but then you might find you’re really good at something else.

You might be think you’re in the perfect relationship… but then it ends and you realised you’ve not thought about what you actually wanted in years.


(Our Ria is pondering life. Hmmmmmmm.)

Because we can’t predict things, and because our dreams very rarely transform into reality, what happens when the thing we wanted shows up, but just not as we expected?

Sometimes we need to accept the little achievements, our reality and the wonderful twists and turns of life.

My advice: trust your instincts, and (it’s one of the things I’m worst at) be kind to yourself.

So, if you’re not working in the job you dreamed of by this point in your life, but thinking you might be on the right track -trust yourself.

Don’t criticise yourself for not being where you thought you should be. Sometimes it’s good to go with the flow.

If you enjoyed this article, why not check out ‘Yazzy from the Block: Learning to Love My Complicated Mess’?



1 Comment

  • GREAT POST!! So inspiring and what a great reminder to be kind to yourself. I think we all beat ourselves up more than we need to sometimes. I’m trusting my instincts and taking a leap of faith if you will for my next adventure, but it just feels right so I’m sticking with it! Thanks for sharing and have a great week!

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