November 12, 2014 - Written by:

The Best is Yet to Come, I Promise You!

Just two months ago I had no idea about what to do with my life. I felt as though all that I was ever going do was sit on my tea stained sofa and live happily in my imaginary world, which I was too chicken to make a reality.

I became fixated on one thing and became trapped in my narrow minded thoughts.

I felt like I was destined for failure and there was no escaping.

That was it; I was going to be the crazy cat lady next door. Or the scary neighbour living next door who everybody’s afraid of, like old man Marley from Home Alone.

I became secluded and alone in my thoughts and was too afraid to do anything. I was desperately waiting for something good to happen.

However, I soon realised that good things don’t happen overnight, you need to forge your own path to success.

Best Is Yet To Come

(Image via)

Have a little faith in yourself.

Believe that you can change this bad moment into a good one.

I’m not promising it’s going to be an easy ride.

I’m not a person to lie, and I’ll say it straight to your face. You’re going to meet people who will put you down and cause you unnecessary grief.

Don’t forget though it’s part of life and you just have to switch to your inner Catherine Tate mode and say ‘am I bothered!’, and then repeatedly say it until that annoying person runs away crying. (No, I’m joking – let’s be honest, we’re better than that).

Just learn to ignore the people who are a waste of space, and focus on your ultimate goal.

Everybody faces the trials and tribulations of life, and in that moment I argued with myself. I was not anyone special, and in no way did I deserve to have special treatment. Why should I have expected goodness to come to me if I couldn’t stop drowning in self-pity and do something about it?

I mean who was I kidding, no human has ever had good things come to them on silver platter, but as always I felt like I was an exception.

Then time went on and nothing changed, and I suddenly had an epiphany.

The problem was I was my own worst enemy. I couldn’t see past the negative and look to the future. I was too busy holding my own pity party that I hadn’t even looked at the good around me; instead I continued looking for something better.

That’s why it’s so important to learn that positivity is vital and failures are just steps closer to success, and there is no point fearing them. Otherwise you will never be the person you want to be.

Best Days Joy

(Image via)

And even if you do fall flat on your face for all to see (I would know, I’m an expert), you should still be proud of yourself and hold your head up high, because you faced your demons and you can say you tried, instead of saying ‘what if’.

I know this is going to sound super cheesy and cliché but it really is true, and I learnt it the hard way:

Every cloud has a silver lining.

You just need to stop being afraid of your own shadow and go for it, what is there to lose, and at the end of the day you only get one chance at life, so make it a good one!

If you enjoyed this article, why not check out ‘Dream. Believe. Do. REPEAT’?




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