January 12, 2014 - Written by:

Step Out of That Comfort Zone!

We all live in our own comfort zones – you know, that little bubble of safety where the walls are soft and the landings are made of feathers. Routine is easy and the only thing that makes you nervous is having to see the in-laws, bumping into your ex boyfriend or being dragged into your boss’s office.

But stepping out of that bubble-wrapped haven is not only the key to success, but is good for the soul and good for the heart. It challenges your mind, your body and stretches your anxiety, pain and stress levels. I’m not by any means saying that comfort is a bad thing – I’m currently sat in my PJs, curled up in a blanket with a cup of chia tea slowly steaming next to me – after all, this zone of comfort protects us from what we can’t handle or from mindlessly throwing ourselves off a mountain for the fun of it. Oh wait, that did happen

These people that we gravitate to at parties – those that have the most infectious personalities and those that are successful in their careers – are the ones who aren’t scared to step outside of their box or to put themselves into a position that gets their heart racing.

You know that quote that you see all over Pinterest, you know – this one:


(Image via)

Well there’s a science behind why great things happen outside of your comfort zone. It basically boils down to a few simple things:

1) Being comfortable stifles productivity and imagination.

2) You’ll accept change and new challenges a lot easier if you’re already used to being comfortable with being uncomfortable.

3) Pushing yourself will get easier the more you do it.

4) New experiences will harness that creativity that has been underneath your oh-so-comfortable down duvet.

I made it a New Year’s resolution of mine to do more things that I’ve never done before – 2013 was a year where I did something I’ve never done before as well as doing something I’ll never do again and it gave me the courage to keep on pushing – my body as well as my own social limitations.

Last week I did two new things; I went gig rowing and I went jive dancing. Both of these things had me a little anxious and made my palms a little sweaty. New things bring out the agoraphobic in everyone – after all, it’s much easier to stay in watching re-runs of Modern Family than get up on a cold Saturday morning to sit in a boat with five strangers.

But I got up, I did it. I had fun! I met new people and learnt something new, I even saw a part of Cornwall that I’d never had the pleasure of venturing to before.

Stepping out of your safety zone is something I recommend to everybody – it doesn’t really matter what it is, but doing something that makes you just a tiny bit nervous is character building, and if nothing else, a story to tell your friends in the pub on Friday.

Not sure where to start? Here are three ways you can step out of your comfort zone this week:

1. Talk to someone you’ve never had a conversation with before, without being drunk.

This is harder than it sounds. “Sure, I make new friends all the time!” I hear you say, but how many beers have you usually had before you summon up the courage to actually go and speak to your co-worker who you think has a nice ass? Change this, now, and say hello when you’re making your morning cuppa tea in the office.


(Image via)

2. Go on a road trip and don’t use a map…

…Or GPS. If you have time, friends, a little spare change for petrol and a coffee and a camera to stuff in the glove compartment, you’re well on your way to a great day out. Going solo is also an empowering experience, go on, I dare you.


(Image via)

3. Learn something just for the hell of it.

Learn a new language, enrol in a course or join a dance class. It will give you something new to talk about and will increase your confidence, improve your CV and open up opportunities in life and love. Also, you’ll have permission to do this:


(Image via)

Are you doing anything new this January? Tell us about it!

– you can’t make this shit up





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