Posts categorised in : Careers
May 13, 2015 - Written by: Patricia Obaro Odje
So we are heading right to the middle of Spring and the exam/deadline season is about to start (if some have not started already!) So you have got your notes ready… and your summer bucket list of things to do… but have you prepared your MIND? Yes your mind. For a lot of you these exams/deadlines are a final hurdle,... Read the rest of this post...
Categories: Careers Patricia Obaro Odje Wise up!
April 24, 2015 - Written by: Becky Solomon
There’s is no denying it, the election is coming up and I’m trying to make sense of it all wondering who is going to best serve my interests as a ‘young person’. Firstly I’m going to admit, I’m lazy with this sort of stuff. My ears are listening but I want someone to physically tell me what they are going... Read the rest of this post...
Categories: Becky Solomon Careers Fire me up baby! Rant
April 7, 2015 - Written by: Yazmin Joy
Am I or am I not successful? THAT is the question! I am being challenged, people. I am being haunted by this question at every twist and turn of my fumbling, tumbling journey through life. Success and the need to be successful in the eyes of others seems to be high on the agenda amongst Generation Y. Oh, he’s doing... Read the rest of this post...
Categories: Careers Fire me up baby! Mirror Mirror: Self Improvement Yazmin Joy
March 27, 2015 - Written by: Lauren Williams
I have the best job in the world. So I’m told by everyone I meet and so I tell everyone I meet. I mean, I get paid to travel the world and write about it. My time is my own, I can write to my heart’s content, or not, whenever or wherever I choose. I have the flexibility to get on... Read the rest of this post...
Categories: Adventureland Careers Lauren Williams
February 11, 2015 - Written by: Sana Sarwar
Most people think dreams about being successful are childlike and silly, because as adults we should be practical and sensible and not give ourselves false hope. Well, in my opinion, Ba Humbag! I should be thinking positively and having hope: believing that with a positive mind comes great things.
Categories: a little piece of joy Adventureland Careers Empowerment: Man! I feel Like a Woman! Fire me up baby! From the Heart Mirror Mirror: Self Improvement Sana Sarwar Wise up!
January 9, 2015 - Written by: Shiraz Engineer
Over the last year, whilst battling with months of unemployment, little money, low self-esteem and a few low moments of deep depression, I discovered that I was not the only one who had set out to find her dream job. So many of my friends and family were unhappy in their place of work but did not know how to... Read the rest of this post...
Categories: Careers Mirror Mirror: Self Improvement
January 4, 2015 - Written by: Yazmin Joy
Are you thinking about starting your own business? What’s more important: talent or passion? Was does it take to work in the publishing industry? We chat to Ruby Mae Moore, Editor in Chief of Amor Magazine, on her personal journey, how she started the magazine, what she looks for in a new writer and what brings her joy! If you enjoyed this video... Read the rest of this post...
Categories: Careers EXCLUSIVE: Interview Yazmin Joy
November 10, 2014 - Written by: Yazmin Joy
Do you need to go to university? How important is a mentor? What’s the most common mistake that young people make in business? We chat with Adam Bradford, mentor at UnLtd, entrepreneur, managing director of UnITe Computing and ambassador for the Peter Jones Academy on his personal struggles and his top business advice. Oh yeah, and what brings him a lil’... Read the rest of this post...
Categories: Careers EXCLUSIVE: Interview Wise up!
September 18, 2014 - Written by: Poppy Gillian
Every person’s life goes at a different pace, with lots of twists and turns; some expected, some completely out of the blue. It is very difficult not to compare your life with others; using their milestones as benchmarks for your own. Some of my friends are having children, some are getting married. People I knew at school/college are getting mortgages,... Read the rest of this post...
Categories: Careers Mirror Mirror: Self Improvement Poppy Gillian Wise up!
September 16, 2014 - Written by: Natasha Hotung
In biology we learn that evolution caused the human race to change and develop through continuous cycles of natural selection over successive generations. This then meant that in order to survive we had to compete against each other. Those who had the better genes, traits and behaviours evolved and soon new species began to form. I’m no philosopher or scientist,... Read the rest of this post...
Categories: a little piece of joy Careers From the Heart Mirror Mirror: Self Improvement