Love? Life? Joy!

Posts categorised in : Fire me up baby!

February 14, 2016 - Written by:

4 Reasons We Need to Talk About Valentine’s Day


Yesterday, as I was sat against our living room radiator, cradling a cup of tea to warm my frozen fingers, whilst simultaneously attempting to stop the puppy from destroying everything in sight, the boyfriend popped his head around the door to say goodbye, with an added, ‘You haven’t got anything for Valentine’s Day, have you?’ And I hadn’t. And I... Read the rest of this post...


February 10, 2016 - Written by:

Stop That London-Bashing, Please – It’s the Best City in the World


Time after weary time, I’ve had to sit through tedious conversations on why London is such a rubbish city. ‘Oh, its impossible to buy a house anywhere in London, ordinary people are getting priced out’; ‘The crime rates are shocking! You never get that sort of thing in Bath…’; ‘It’s too crowded, I can’t breathe on the Tube’; ‘There’s no... Read the rest of this post...


February 1, 2016 - Written by:

Why We Should All Take a Leaf Out of a Young Person’s Book


I’m currently at at an age where I’m now considered to be a young adult and no longer seen as a teenager. It feels weird even saying the word adult let alone being  associated with the word. According to society now being an ‘adult’ means I have to be mature in my approach to everything. To be completely honest I know... Read the rest of this post...


October 28, 2015 - Written by:

Why I’m Fed Up With Technology And Why You Should Be Too

Hoverboard Joy

We are currently in an age where computer screens dominate our everyday lives. Wherever you turn, there is technology at its finest making life easier for us. An example being the controversial electric vehicle called the Segway, eliminating the need to walk to and from places. How wonderful – not. I have now come to a point where I just... Read the rest of this post...


October 21, 2015 - Written by:

Is The ‘New’ Age Making You Ungrateful Or Ambitious?


Do you have food, shelter and good people around you? Do you have a job and some money in your pocket, not rich but definitely enough to get by and go to Shoreditch once a month, eat out and have some fun? People around you praise your achievements and tell you how ‘lucky’ you are?  That you should not really... Read the rest of this post...
