Posts categorised in : Rant
October 28, 2015 - Written by: Sana Sarwar
We are currently in an age where computer screens dominate our everyday lives. Wherever you turn, there is technology at its finest making life easier for us. An example being the controversial electric vehicle called the Segway, eliminating the need to walk to and from places. How wonderful – not. I have now come to a point where I just... Read the rest of this post...
Categories: Fire me up baby! From the Heart Mirror Mirror: Self Improvement Rant Sana Sarwar Wise up!
October 21, 2015 - Written by: Patricia Obaro Odje
Do you have food, shelter and good people around you? Do you have a job and some money in your pocket, not rich but definitely enough to get by and go to Shoreditch once a month, eat out and have some fun? People around you praise your achievements and tell you how ‘lucky’ you are? That you should not really... Read the rest of this post...
Categories: Fire me up baby! Mirror Mirror: Self Improvement Rant Wise up!
October 1, 2015 - Written by: Shiraz Engineer
Treasures, we’ve reached the end of the wedding season, and something’s just not marrying up in my mind (marrying? Geddit? I slay me). This summer, I couldn’t check my Facebook newsfeed at the weekend without a friend’s wedding pictures appearing. As I admired the dresses, the happy couple and the ‘doesn’t she look beautiful!’ statuses, my eyes always wandered over... Read the rest of this post...
Categories: Empowerment: Man! I feel Like a Woman! Love & Relationships Rant Wise up!
August 20, 2015 - Written by: Poppy Gillian
Recently I went on a date, which, although it started off well, ended badly. The problem was, that early on it became obvious that we had very different personalities. I’m quite stubborn and don’t like being told what to do. Whereas he clearly thought that I needed help to broaden my horizons. The problems started with the location of the... Read the rest of this post...
Categories: Love & Relationships Poppy Gillian Rant
July 7, 2015 - Written by: Katie Fanthorpe
In an era where self worth can be measured in the amount of Facebook ‘Likes’ received on a new profile picture, real life compliments seem to be falling by the wayside. With friends competing to see who can get the most hearts on an Instagram post, what space is there for genuine sentiments away from digital screens? In my recent experience... Read the rest of this post...
Categories: a little piece of joy Katie Fanthorpe Mirror Mirror: Self Improvement Rant
May 14, 2015 - Written by: Poppy Gillian
Selfies have been around quite a while now. Love them or loathe them it looks like they’re here to stay. When you really think about it, taking a picture of yourself is a bit weird, right? I’m definitely guilty of taking the odd selfie, but I couldn’t imagine constantly uploading new ones to social media – it would be exhausting!... Read the rest of this post...
Categories: Poppy Gillian Rant Wise up!
April 29, 2015 - Written by: Sana Sarwar
I am so frustrated over the many times that people just cast me to the sidelines, because APPARENTLY I’M TOO YOUNG. In other words they think I am incapable of doing anything simply because of my age. It’s like a silent way of saying; ‘no, sorry, you’re too stupid to understand’. It’s not like I’m a five year old who... Read the rest of this post...
Categories: Fire me up baby! From the Heart Mirror Mirror: Self Improvement Rant Sana Sarwar Wise up!
April 24, 2015 - Written by: Becky Solomon
There’s is no denying it, the election is coming up and I’m trying to make sense of it all wondering who is going to best serve my interests as a ‘young person’. Firstly I’m going to admit, I’m lazy with this sort of stuff. My ears are listening but I want someone to physically tell me what they are going... Read the rest of this post...
Categories: Becky Solomon Careers Fire me up baby! Rant
April 20, 2015 - Written by: Yazmin Joy
Empowerment is trending. This shampoo is empowering my hair. Swishhhh. This sanitary towel is empowering my vagina – fuck you menstrual blood. You ain’t gonna hold me back! But are we getting a bit lost on what empowerment actually is? My understanding of empowerment is that is facilitates/enables freedom and equality. Which leads to the question: can advertising actually ‘empower’?... Read the rest of this post...
Categories: Empowerment: Man! I feel Like a Woman! Fire me up baby! Rant Yazmin Joy
April 13, 2015 - Written by: Yazmin Joy
‘Can I sit here?’ ‘I’m sorry, that chair is for my bag.’ ‘Oh. Yeah sure. I’ll sit in the corner. By myself then.’ Def. Clique – a close knit group of people who do not readily allow others to join them. I can’t stand cliques. What a load of bollocks. Tight insular inward facing friendship circles defined by their exclusivity. *Face... Read the rest of this post...
Categories: Fire me up baby! Love & Relationships Mirror Mirror: Self Improvement Rant Yazmin Joy